Dihybrid Cross- Definition, Steps and Process with Examples

Dihybrid Cross

Dihybrid Cross Definition A dihybrid cross is a type of genetic cross between two individuals with either homozygous or heterozygous genotypes of two characters or traits. The dihybrid cross is different from the monohybrid cross, which only involves a single genetic character or trait. Dihybrid crosses are more complex than monohybrid crosses as these involve more than one genetic trait where the parents can be either homozygous or heterozygous for these traits. The dihybrid cross is used as a method …Read more

Monohybrid Cross- Definition, Steps, Examples (vs Dihybrid Cross)

Monohybrid Cross

Monohybrid Cross Definition A Monohybrid cross is a type of genetic cross between two individuals with homozygous genotypes of a single character or trait, often resulting in an opposite phenotype. Monohybrid crosses are usually performed to determine the genotypes of offspring of homozygous individuals. The hybrid produced from this cross helps in the identification of the dominant genotype in the allele. Even though monohybrid crosses are often associated with homozygous genotypes, these are also used to determine the genetic mix …Read more